Lady Killers: Twenty Years of Magazine Coverage of Women who Kill their Abusers
From Dangerous Discourses: Feminism, Gun Violence & Civic Life, edited by Catherine Squires.
From Dangerous Discourses: Feminism, Gun Violence & Civic Life, edited by Catherine Squires.
From Race/Gender/Class/Media 4.0: Considering Diversity Across Audiences, Content, and Producers – Rebecca Lind, Editor
Deanna Alexander’s “ovary” remarks should not be mistaken for insightful political commentary.
From The Communication Review
From Screening Images of American Masculinity in the Age of Postfeminism, 2015
From Marquette University Deiderich College of Communication COMM magazine
From Feminist Formations, 2014
From Women’s Studies in Communication, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 139-160, 2011
Winner of the 2010 Kenneth Harwood Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Broadcast Education Association